LiveFlow is the fastest way to organize and update your reports – all without hours wasted on tedious manual work. You got it right: no more cleaning, rinsing and copy-pasting data. Just empowered you and live data in your Google Sheets.

➞ How you did reportin before: Downloaded cumbersome CSV files with raw and unorganized data.
➞ How LiveFlow can help you: Plug data from your accounting platform directly into your Google Sheets in no time. ⚡️

LiveFlow is trusted by the most progressive Finance teams at companies such as Nova Credit, Unfurl Cuisine and

Additional Info

Founder(s)Lasse Kalkar, Anita Koimur, Evan O'Brien
CEO/PresidentLasse Kalkar
Bootstrapped or Raised?Raised
Team Size4
Year Founded2021
Company TaglineImagine a spreadsheet that automatically connects to your real-time data. Now you have it.